Topic: Why to Host a State of the Company Meeting
Guests: Dan Gordon & Donnie Shelton

In this episode we discuss:
When and why Donnie implemented state of the company meetings at Triangle Pest Control
How Triangle's meetings used to take several hours and have evolved
The importance of defining "where we're going" as a company
Why the analogy of business as a game is effective when you're talking to employees
How Donnie handles doing the meeting across multiple branches
What he covers at the meetings
How to handle contentious questions
The ideal length and format
Use of the PCO Bookkeepers & M&A Specialists Pest Control Industry Cost Study
Why Donnie created a replica Vince Lombardi Trophy at Triangle to emphasize the concept of "going pro"
How to get started with hosting a state of the company meeting

Resources mentioned:
Operating system Triangle Pest Control uses: Traction/EOS
PMP Industry Insiders Episode 153 with Fox Pest Control Founders Mike Romney & Bryant White: How to Craft a Successful Transition
Speech by Vince Lombardi: "What It Takes to Be No. 1"
Notable: "It does not matter what size you are, even if you only have three people in the company, I think you should be doing these meetings." —Donnie Shelton
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