Nov. 18, 2021
Topic: What We Heard and Saw at PestWorld 2021
Guest: Donnie Shelton and Dan Gordon
In this episode we discuss:
How Donnie was honored with a Crown Leadership Award from PCT Magazine and Syngenta
How Coalmarch and PCO Bookkeepers both had busy booths
Dan's observation that chemical manufacturers used to dominate PestWorld, and now it appears to be software and tech firms
The historical rule of thumb that says 20 percent of people in a market would use pest control, and new research shows it's now closer to 35 percent
How Dan and Donnie believe the door-to-door industry has helped grow the overall size of the market
One of the top issues people were talking about was labor availability
How much to raise prices to overcome increasing labor costs -- Dan says 7-8 percent for pest and 10 percent for lawn may be reasonable
How people are pre-ordering chemicals and are having difficult sourcing trucks
Donnie's observation that large companies are moving to SEO and digital marketing tactics, meaning small companies need to be more creative and more sophisticated
How the show left Dan and Donnie feeling great about the pest control market
Resources mentioned:
Episode 55: Q3 Wrap-Up, where Dan and Donnie discuss labor, pricing and other aspects of the market
Book: "The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer"
Notable: "Were we at a technology conference or a pest conference?" —Donnie Shelton
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